3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Hi-Strength Postforming 94 CA Red Cylinder Spray Adh. is a high perf., postformable ind’l grade spray adh. Fast tacking, designed for high pressure laminations, esp. decorative lam. to particle board. SCAQMD Rule 1168 Compliant.
Full Description
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Hi-Strength Postforming 94 CA Red Cylinder Spray Adhesive is a high performance, postformable industrial grade spray adhesive. This bulk adhesive is prepackaged in convenient, portable, no maintenance aerosol cylinders. It features a fast tacking adhesive designed for high pressure laminations, particularly decorative laminate to particle board. It can also be used for veneers, fiberglass, headliners, foams, fabrics, glass, mirrors, cork, tile, rubber and steel. This adhesive is a SCAQMD Rule 1168 Compliant Adhesive. It contains very low VOC’s, is postformable, and features a low telegraphing spray pattern.
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