Mechanism of Impregnation Sealing

Impregnation sealing is a vacuum process that seals porosities in castings, powder metal parts, ceramics, plastics and other porous substrates. The vacuum is used to evacuate air from microporosities of parts. A low viscosity sealant is utilized to completely fill these internal porosities and potential leak paths. Uncured material is easily recovered for reuse and any residue can be washed away.

The Anaseal™ Impregnation Process enables thin walled die castings to retain fluids and hold pressures up to the bursting strength of the casting. Castings are also impregnated to seal porosity in preparation for metal finishing operations such as plating and painting. This prevents the absorption of chemicals into the pores that could later leak out and discolor or damage surface finishes.

Anaseal™ vacuum sealing of microporosity in powder metal parts provides a permanent seal and enhances the plating process. When additional machining is required AnasealTM provides a consistent surface for turning, drilling, tapping and boring. This improves the structural integrity of the part while increasing tool life.